We don’t believe in green thumbs around here. We believe every “fail” is an opportunity to learn and grow as a plant
Event Details
We don’t believe in green thumbs around here. We believe every “fail” is an opportunity to learn and grow as a plant parent!
Our owner has over a decade of experience with trial and error research, so skip the learning curve and join her for a class that covers a variety of tried and true houseplant care methods including:
watering light needs repotting dividing plants pest identification and control propagating soils, amendments, and their uses fertilizing This class will be held at Pink Fern and will feature a slide show presentation covering various topics. You’ll will take home a plant you’ve repotted as well as some plant cuttings you’ve practiced propagating with!
Light snacks and drinks provided. Attendees will also receive a 15% off coupon to use on their next visit.