Enhance the quality of our everyday lives

Foster community cohesion, inclusion, and diversity
Cultural Planning
City-specific arts and culture strategies that create a collective vision for Northwest Arkansas
Contact: kelsey@cachecreate.org

CACHE will lead businesses, local governments, artists and arts stakeholders to form a comprehensive arts and culture strategy for each City in the region and the region as a whole, that deepens the cultural identity of the region, prioritizes and coordinates opportunities and resources, creates policies and infrastructure, and shapes the direction of the region’s arts programming and offerings. Cultural planning efforts seek to create a collective vision for Northwest Arkansas as a center for innovative, exciting, equitable arts, culture and creativity at all scales.
NWA Cultural Planning Schedule
Rogers: Underway
Fayetteville: Early 2021
Bentonville: Likely 2021-2022
Springdale: Likely 2021-2022
Siloam Springs: Likely 2021-2022
CACHE partnered with the city of Rogers to lead a cultural planning effort and create an action plan for arts and culture for the city for the next 10 years including public art, park activation, programming and cultural spaces. Through support from CACHE, the city of Rogers established the first full-time municipal arts and culture-focused job in NWA.
Slated for early 2021, CACHE will work with the City of Fayetteville to create municipal arts leadership, strategy, policies, and processes and will co-lead intensive community engagement towards a vision for cultural programming and development.

CACHE worked with British music industry think tank Sound Diplomacy to complete a Music Ecosystem Strategy and Action Plan for NWA, which engaged more than 500 people from the region’s community and music industry leaders. Research showed Northwest Arkansas’ music ecosystem produces a $389 million economic output and is responsible for 3,972 jobs in the region. Sound Diplomacy made several recommendations to elevate the region’s music ecosystem.
Music Ecosystems
Support and growth for the Northwest Arkansas music scene
Contact: jesse@cachecreate.org