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Join us every Tuesday in February! Randall Shreve performs his original work in a listening room environment at Club 509, (enter through Kava Bar.)Seating is limited. Arrive early.$10 cover21

Diamond Empire Showcase @braeleni@diamondempireband Free to attend Monday, February 19 7pm Monday Deals$6 Greenway Sours$4 Slices of Pie$8 Bottles of Champagne 479-332-4280Call to reserve a seat
Join us at @columbus_house_brewery every Monday evening. Folks trickle in to knit one, sip one between 6:30-9:30 pm. This is a social group with lots of folks willing to help…

The Sequoyah Ukulele Society is a low-key ukulele-jam held at the Mount Sequoyah Creative Center in Fayetteville AR. We meet 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month (3:00- 5:00 pm)…