TICKETS: $25DOORS: 7PMCONCERT 7:30PM All tickets for this concert are general admission, but seated unless otherwise noted. Concerts at the Folk School are an intimate and listening environment. ABOUT ROBERT…
TICKETS: $25DOORS: 7PMCONCERT 7:30PM All tickets for this concert are general admission, but seated unless otherwise noted. Concerts at the Folk School are an intimate and listening environment. ABOUT ROBERT…
Some of today’s biggest names in country music have already rocked the Tin Roof stage & tomorrow’s next big stars are now playing our ‘Nashville Hits The Roof’ concert series….
OPENSDec 31st 2023 8:30 PM *STARTSDec 31st 2023 9:00 PM *ENDSJan 1st 2024 12:30 AM * times are only an approximation MUSICJamband, Bluegrass, JamGrassAGES18 and UpATTENDANCEIn PersonPRICES$20.00 – $25.00
Does the thought of staying up until midnight cause you to break out in the cold sweats? Fear not, as long as you’re 21 , our 4th Annual New Year’s…