A.R. Gurney’s Pulitzer-nominated play, “Love Letters,” is a tender tragi-comedy that traces the 50-year love affair between two unlikely soulmates who are forever bound to each other through the letters they share from youth to maturity.
Directed by Warren Rosenaur, this heartfelt look at love, life, and friendship is both heartwarming and heartbreaking in equal measure. Featuring Tim Gilster and Terry Vaughan.
Performances are April 7 – 9 @7:30.
Tickets are FREE (donations accepted at door). All donations received at the Thursday, April 7 performance to benefit Magdalene Serenity House.
First come, first served. Doors open at 6:30, performance at 7:30. Beer, wine, lemonade, and cookies available for sale prior to the show.
Please direct questions to smokehouseplayers@gmail.com