“Teen Dad” is an hour-long TV pilot adapted from local playwright Adrienne Dawes’ stage play of the same name. When Abby, a precocious emo-goth teenager, orchestrates a surprise reunion for her mother Tanya and her estranged birth father Tom, plans derail completely when Tom arrives with his much younger girlfriend, Alisha. Be a part of our first “test audience” for a live reading of the script – FREE, one night only – Sunday, April 7th 5pm-6:15pm
THIS CAST!!! Trey Smith-Mills, Amaya Allen, Kate Capdeville, Abby McManis, Thomas Hunt, Collin Smith-Mills, Mischa Hutchings, Elizabeth Thomas, Ashton Efurd, and Gabriel Franco-Kull.
Event Details:
Date: Sunday April 7th, 2024
Time: 5pm-6:15pm
Location: 505 W. Spring Street, Fayetteville, AR 72701
FYI: Doors will open 5pm, late seating will not be accommodated. “Teen Dad” runs a little over an hour with no “commercial breaks” or intermission. “Teen Dad” is rated PG-3 for adult language and references to sexual assault and racialized violence.