CACHE is an intermediary arts organization that helps creatives and arts organizations become stronger and more influential within their communities.
We're grateful to each of you who made our work possible in 2024.
Our Impact by the Numbers
In 2024, CACHE invested
in Northwest Arkansas' creative community.

The Medium: A Place to Create
The Medium is a space for expression, experimentation, and creative risk-taking. Through The Medium, we're proud to offer affordable and accessible space for performances, rehearsals, meetings, exhibitions, and more. Click the slider below for a snapshot of news about The Medium in 2024.
+2,928 from the previous year
+3,327 from the previous year
Events at The Medium by Type
a moment for:
The Creative Exchange Fund (CXF) is a programming initiative promoting performing artists, artist residencies, curatorial opportunities, and music development at The Medium. In 2024, we hosted our second cohort of CXF artists.
$41,861.08. The total value of space provided to CXF artists whose project took place at The Medium in 2024

”As an early-stage artist, I have often gotten caught up in wondering, 'What am I going to make?'. The CXF program gives you time to develop. My project has turned into so much more than I ever thought it could be.
Lyle ObermanNovel Dance Company

In the News

In 2024, the Groundwaves Arkansas concluded. Groundwaves began in 2019 in Colorado, before expanding into Northwest Arkansas as a four-year program to develop our region's hip-hop artists. Led by rapper and mentor Murs, NWA MCs, beatmakers, and hip hop enthusiasts have developed a community of mutual support and growth while honing their craft. In four years time, members of the cohort have performed at the Happiness Of Pursuit Festival in California several times, produced full length albums and collaborative projects, and opened for Big Boi and Run the Jewels at the Momentary. Although the program has come to it's conclusion, Murs has left an indelible mark on Northwest Arkansas' hip-hop artists' lives and careers. View below a snapshot of the program's milestones below.
Red Ball Project

In September, the Municipal Arts Alliance concluded with a region-wide art project: bringing the Redball Project to Northwest Arkansas. The red ball went on a whirlwind tour through five towns in five days. MIXD Gallery in Rogers hosted an exhibition of the collages and photographic edition prints from the performance, and 21c Museum Hotel in Bentonville hosted an artist talk and panel. The tour made it's NWA debut at MIXD Gallery and continued through Siloam Springs, Fayetteville, Springdale, and Bentonville.
Hear More from Joanna”The Municipal Arts Alliance has been an incredible opportunity for me to connect with peers in a similar position across the region as well as to get a peer learning connection with municipal leaders across the country.
Joanna Sheehan BellArts and Culture Director, City of Fayetteville

Artists Creative Fund
The Artists Creative Fund provides 20 project-specific awards of $10,000 each to a diverse group of artists to test ideas, explore collaborations, and build skills as they create new work. The program's first year finished in April.

King Cabbage Brass Band performing at Cain's Ballroom

Dan Lynh Pham's exhibition "I Bear the Fruit of My Ancestors"

Nic Annette Miller's interactive art experience, "Beehive States"

Elizabeth Henley's exhibition "Adorn" and "The Crown"

Colleen Thurston presents her documentary "Drowned Land"
”When our office sees something done by CACHE we just sign up. We know its going to be good.

Bringing the Arts Together
As one of our core pillars of work, CACHE is dedicated to convening our region's arts and culture industry.
In 2024, we continued our popular professional development series, YOLO, while also holding our first in person communications conference, CommsCon, and launching two new programs designed to bring the arts community together, Social Hour and Table Talks.
Social Hour
Launching in 2024, Social Hour convened arts professionals from across the region for a happy hour- style networking event.
The Year of Learning and Outreach is our free professional development series for creatives and arts organizations.
Table Talks
Table Talks invites the community to dine together while hearing from regional creatives who are invited to reflect on a theme.
”“Table Talks is well curated and warm and inviting. It gave me a lot to think about with my own art practice and [it's] nice to hear where the artists' practices intersect.”
to everyone who makes our work possible
Walton Family Foundation | Tyson Family Foundation | George Kaiser Family Foundation
21 C Museum Hotel / 4 Media Group / 479 Flea / ACOM / Aaron Jones / Abby Kurin / Adrian Dawes / Aenimate Media / Alexander Betz / Alice Gachuzo-Colin / Allison Wheeler / Alternative Community Education / Amairani Perez Chamu / Amanda Templeton / Amber Jackson / Amy Sanders / Amy Shores / Andy Rubacky / Angel Horne / Anita Fields / Anthony Garcia / Antonio Andrews / April Roy / Archetype / Arkansas Cinema Society / Arisa Health / Arkansas Arts Council / Arkansas New Play Festival / Arkansas Public Theatre / Arkansans for the Arts / Art Bridges Foundation / Art deCentrale / Artists of Northwest Arkansas / Arts Live Theatre / Arts One Presents / Ashley Trotter / Aspen Institute Avery Bruce / Avian Alia / Axios / Ayanna Bledsoe / Beautifully Done / Bee Balm Arkansas / Bentonville History Museum / Bentonville Community Radio Bernard "Big Smoove" Oliver / Black Bear NWA / Botanical Garden of the Ozarks / Brad Rose / Brandon Weston / Brandy Lee Harris / Branjae / Brenna Noble / Brioch Ochoa / Dr. Britni Ayers / Buffalo Builders / CDT Imagery/ Cameron Summers / Candice Sisemore / Canopy NWA / Carey Flack / Carris Adams / Carla Nemec / Carra Martinez / Casa de la Cultura Mexicana / Casii Stephan / CeCe Marie / Celebrate Arkansas / Chandra Voruganti / Charli Bradshaw / Charlotte Buchanan / Chloe Bell / Chris VanDenhende / Christa Bentley / Christian Serrano-Torres / Cirro Studio / City of Bella Vista / City of Bentonville / City of Centerton / City of Fayetteville / City of Rogers / City of Siloam Springs / City of Springdale / Clint Schaff / Colleen Thurston / Committee for Belonging & Bridging / Community Creative Center / Connor Brogan / Craig Colorusso / Crawford County Library / Crowder College / Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art / Cureate Co. / Dan Lynh Pham / DANCE by Eliese / Damion Shade (The Boom Bap Chorus) / Danielle Hatch / Danny Baskin / David Bizzaro / David Alan Broome / Deborah Hunter / Dhirana Academy of Classical Dance / Dick Darden / Dina Benbrahim / Downtown Springdale Alliance / E for All / EO Space / Eddie Canyon / Elena Ramirez / Elevated Dance / Elizabeth Henley (Black Moon Collective) / Emma Blessing / Engage NWA / En Fuego Dance and Fitness / Eureka Springs School of the Arts/ Experience Fayetteville / Facet Dance Collective / Fayetteville Downtown / Fayetteville Film Festival / Fayetteville Public Library / Fenix Arts / Fifth Street Studio / Folk Alliance International / Folk School of Fayetteville / Gina Gallina / Grassroots Taxes / Grayson Reckner / Gregory Fallis (King Cabbage Brass Band) / Groundwater Institute / Groundwaves / Hayley Nichols / Hannah Anderson / Heart of America Artists Association/ Heckle Her/ Hello Departures / Henry O. Head / Hillfolk / Hispanic Women's Organization of Arkansas / Holly Vaughn / House of Songs / Illinois River Watershed Project / Immaculin Joe / INTERFORM / Irvin Camacho / Isabel Perozo / Jackson Adair / Jacob McCoy Burton / Jamie's Notebook / Janae Grass / Jarica Walsh / Jason Jones / Jason Suel / Jennifer Greenhill / Jenny John (Dutch Oven on Wheels) / Jeremiah Pickett / Jerica Wortham / Jessica Davenport / Jessy Duque / Joanna Bell / Joe Dillstrom / John Brown University / Jonathan Perrodin / Jordan Leake / Jordan Pitts/ Judy Tatios / Julia Paganelli Marin / Kaitlyn Hardiman / Kaleidescope Collective / Kalup Linzy / Karen Castleman / Karrie Evenson Art, LLC / Kat Wilson / Katie Clark / Koko Perez / KUAF/ KXUA / Lara Lafforge / LatinX Theatre Project / Laura Newell / Lauren N. Clare / Leilani Law / Leslie Orozco / Likewise Community / Lindsey Neal / Lindsey Smith /Little Craft Show/ Live in America Community / Logan Sours (Dreamspace Lab & Scott Bell / The Makers Out) / Loren Waters / Love More Records / Lucky Star Farm / Lyle Oberman/ MAKR Studio / Macy Burr / Mano’s on Emma / Margot Lemaster / Mark Kuykendall / Market Street Consultants / Marie Casimir / Marlon Hall / Marshallese Educational Initiative / Martell Media House / Mary Talbert / Maryalice Carroll / Matthew McMillian / Matteo Cassi / May Yang / Megan Pobywajlo / Melonlight Ballroom / Meredith Mashburn / Mia Tubbs / Michael Murray / Michelle Svenson / Mid-America Arts Alliance / MIXD Gallery / Monarch 61 / Monica Kumar / Mount Sequoyah Center Inc. / Mrs. Mildred's Kitchen / Murs / Music Education Initiative / Music Moves / Mycayla Sawyer / Natalia Reneaum / Nathan Young / Natural State Performing Arts / New Leaders Council Arkansas / Nicole Boddington / Nicole Annette Miller / Nichole Newton / No Parking Studios / Northwest Arkansas Gridiron Show / NWA Audio Theater / NWA Ballet Theatre / NWA Community College / NWA Conservatory of Classical Ballet / NWA Council / NWA Daily/ NWA Equality / NWA Jazz Society / NWA Movement Hub / NWA Newbies / NWA Space / NWA Theatre Collective / NWA Women's Shelter / Ocean Wave Dance Company / Olivia J. Walton / ONE 80 Consulting/ Ovations + / Orson Weems / OZ Art NWA / Ozark Cirque / Ozark Folkways / Ozark Media Arts Festival / Paige Dirksen / Parker D. Wayne (Oklahoma Fashion Alliance) / Patsy Christie / Patti Steel / Payton Joy / Payton Parker / Perrodin Supply / Peter Broderick / Philbrook Museum of Art / Preston Poindexter / Princess of America Arkansas/Ozark / Providence Academy / Pura Coco / Pursuit Films / Queen Rose Art House / Rachel McClintock/ Rachel Rector / Raelyn Munneke / Rainy Bray-Hopwood / Raquel Thompson / Ra-Ve Cultural Foundation / Raven Cook / Rebecca Rivas / Rebecca Seal / ReLeaf Center NWA / Renaissance Floral NWA / Rendition Coffee & Cocktales, LLC/ Rince Dance Studio / Robin Atkinson / Rodrigo Salas / Rogelio Esparza / Rooted NWA / Rumwolf / Ryan Allen (Bandelier) / Sasha Mirzoyan / Scott Family Amazeum / Second Hand Smoke / Second Helping NWA / Shalese "Fitz" Fitzgerald / Shalom Yabilsu / Shane Darwent / Shannon Jones / Shaye Anderson / Shiloh Museum of Ozark History / Sienna Scott / Sole 2 Soul Dance Studio Spring Creek Food Hub / Springdale Chamber of Commerce / Springdale Fire Department - Justin Pinkley / Springdale Public Library / Springdale Public Schools / Srividya Venkatasubramanya / String Theory NWA / Sudo Studios / Symon Hajjar (Hot Toast Music Co) / Symphony of Northwest Arkansas / TASC NWA / Tamecca Rogers / Tammy Mercure / Tate Wittenberg / Tazmen West (Slow Cozy) / Thaden School/ The Equality Crew /The Golden Creatives / The Idle Class the Momentary / The Jones Center / The Kind Project / The NWA Collective / Theatre Collective of NWA / TheatreSquared / Theresa Delaplain / Thomas Cicatiello / Timothy Smith / Tracy Montes / Trail Blazers / Tram Colwin Art / Travis Kersh / Tulsa Artist Fellowship / Tulsa Community College / Tulsa Community Foundation / Turpentine Creek / Two Friends Books / University of Arkansas Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences / University of Arkansas School of Art / Univision / Verdant Studio / Vincent Frimpong / Visit Bentonville / Walton Art Center / Wild Brush Studio / Yuni Wa / Zeek Taylor / Zenith Studios