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Glassblowing Market Daze
sat01jun1:00 pmGlassblowing Market Dazeat Glass Smoke Boutique
Event Details
Join us June 1st for “Glassblowing Market Daze” at Glass Smoke Boutique June 1st from 1pm-6pm! We
Event Details
Join us June 1st for “Glassblowing Market Daze” at Glass Smoke Boutique June 1st from 1pm-6pm!
We will have artists, vendors, live caricatures, and glassblowers providing free glassblowing demonstrations. Come take a behind the scenes sneak peek into how glass art is made!
And of course, everything in-store will be discounted!!
We’re pleased to announce that All Metal Glass, Backwoods Glass, Washboard Glass, and Wolverine Dream Glass will be our local glassblowers for this event!
Arts in Overgrowth will be offering live caricatures! Get a silly drawing of yourself if you’re feeling frisky. We will have other great local artists and vendors such as Devon The Creator with Kinked Pins, Faerievicious with handmade incense, Sweeet Treats Jewelry with resin art & jewelry, and last but not least, The Cult of Candles & Curiosities with awesome local candles and oddities!
We will be block-partying with our neighbors at The Library Vintage and Flavorsmith’s Craft BBQ. So bring an empty stomach and check out some cool clothes! These are some wholesome businesses I highly suggest checking out.
June 1, 2024 1:00 pm
Glass Smoke Boutique
46 E Township St, Fayetteville AR 72703