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Jana Lynn Whatley
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Describe you and your work

I am a multi-media artist. I work using abstract folk tales, theatrical vignettes, photography, video, social practice, and sculpture. We can live man...

Jane Elzey, Arkansas Author
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Eureka Springs
Describe you and your work

Jane Elzey is the author of the Cardboard Cottage Mystery series featuring four friends who solve mysteries from their home base in Arkansas or on the...

"Cerebral Pause " located in Black Apple Hard Cider in Springdale commisioned by Arts One Presents
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Describe you and your work

Artist who is extremely expressive. I love creating art with depths.

Tiny Desk Adventure
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Prairie Grove
Describe you and your work

Jenny Dowd is an artist interested in objects that ask for interaction. Primarily working in clay, she creates objects for table, wall, and floor surf...

Jeremiah Pickett
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Describe you and your work

I am BAANG which is an acronym for " Believe. Aspire. Achieve. Now Go”. Much like the art, my name itself is an affirmation and an instruction; a call...

Jeremy Mason McGraw with his photography lighting invention Halumin.
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Describe you and your work

I am both an artist and producer of art projects and collaborations. In 2012 I founded the Creative Energy Project, creating privately funded public a...

Skate shop in Carlsbad, NM
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Describe you and your work

Typical artist who loves to put paint where it ain’t! Preferred medium is aerosol, on any surface! I began drawing as a kid, then found graffiti, befo...

Slack - Learning Module Visual - Networks
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Describe you and your work

I am a comic at heart, but all business in the workplace. I love music, art, fashion, and traveling. I am a people person who excels as both a creativ...

Loch Ness Monster Mug
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Describe you and your work

Jingjing Yu is best known for her whimsical and imaginary kawaii-style ceramics, animation, and illustrations. She was born and raised in Chengdu, Chi...

“South Kaibab Descent” 30x40 inches
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Siloam Springs
Describe you and your work

As a representational painter, I’m attracted to the variety of formal possibilities in a motif; characteristics like the shapes of shadows or the colo...